Tuesday 20 November 2012

#1 Crush

I've learnt a lot these past two years on the topics of love, lust an relationships. You see the three are not always one in the same allow me to explain my sentiments. 

Love: Love can be pure, love can be beautiful  however love corrupts, love obscures and love blinds. One can be in love without lusting and obviously without being in a relationship. It can be pure such as platonic and it can be distorted and dangerous when other factors and immense negative feelings are attached to the loss of it or lack of it in return.

Some people are not phased by it while others can be brought to immense psychological harm and/or physical harm by it. Don't get my wrong I might be talking about it in a negative light but I have nothing against love, I have just seen and experienced what happens when someone allows it to consume them in a negative light.

Lust: Now this is a fun one isn't it? Problems that associate with lust can be seen much faster than those with love and can be just as devastating however it's different. There is a reason why it is considered one of the deadly sins and that is because it is dangerous, crimes of passion are usually associated with love and lust. People who seek out relationships founded on lust soon discover their relationship was superficial and will burn brightly before petering out soon after. Lust combined with a fragile and unstable mind in love is a very dangerous combination. Lust changes into a more pure form while under the influence of a good healthy relationship. ''Nothing wrong with lust, just don't delude yourself into thinking there is mutual love in the scenario'' 

Relationships: Firstly I want to say any relationship where one person is in the relationship for the sake of it or out of fear of being alone will fail. I say that with experience. It can be hard for some people and it can take others a long time to learn it but fear of being alone is a very dangerous mindset. A wise man once told me '' Do not seek your happiness in someone else if you can't find it within yourself''.

Relationships can be founded without lust and or love entering the equation however I will be talking about intimate relationships. Relationships need meaning and they need purpose without these they will quickly fade away and die this is the crux of the matter, if a relationship doesn't have these things it just becomes a mutual lust which will burn out, or in turn just denigrate into meaningless puppy love that will just crash and burn. 

''Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you. The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you''.

Just a rant I had to get off my chest I probably could have written more but I can't articulate my thoughts.